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  >  Georges Saba

Georges Antoine Saba, has been a member of the Beirut Bar association since 2015. He became a human rights activist and trainer. 

He completed his bachelor’s degree in Lebanese Law and master’s degree in Comparative law from Sagesse University.

Georges Saba, has brought his unique knowledge of corporate and management to the firm, successfully representing his clients’ interests in Lebanon and the Middle East through his devotion to excellence and commitment to results.

Currently, the second generation of the Saba family is continuing the tradition, maintaining its inherited sense of client service and subject-matter expertise, whilst keeping the firm on the cutting edge by setting up modern technology tools for Legal practice and management.

Georges Saba pursued graduate studies in collaboration with esteemed universities in Italy: he holds a Master’s in Law (comparative law) from La Sagesse University as well as a Masters in NGO management from the renowned University of Siena- Italy.

Georges Saba ranked number 1 in the entrance exam to the Beirut Bar Association.

Published a renowned book: ‘La preuve a l’ère électronique – Al Mouassas al Hadisa lil Kitab (2017)’



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